There is A plug-in a tool you can add. There are plug-ins that help you with building photo galleries, designing contact forms, accepting payments and even optimizing your website's search engine rankings. You will see a list of plug-ins available for your website if you go to the administration panel. And the great thing is most of those wordpress hacked !
Next, do not forget to contain yourself. It's easy select a toy for your child to work from the javascript errors room and wander in that room and then start working there. This is important: Stay focused on the area and the task at hand or you won't get anything done.
WordPress has become an publishing platform that anyone can use to create professional looking websites. There are a great deal of people who think click to read that WordPress is blogging software, but it is considerably more than that. It can be a site's entire content management system.
Copy Editors just go through and fix my website punctuation, grammar, and spelling issues . I don't care how many eyes you've had on that story at this time, another fresh pair is going to catch the mistakes everyone else missed . Again, look at these with an open mind. A Copy Editor will miss a point in the dialog, or attempt to modify italics . The individual didn't get the point. I know when I did the job I've made a few mistakes . Mine had to do with a style--the publisher I was working for did not although I follow the Chicago Manual of Style religiously. We had a couple of issues on things but it was that publishers style and I went along with it.
Article advertising gets results. It really is that simple. Just how do I know it produces results? Simple. A friend of mine received visitors to his new website in under 8 weeks.
That's all you need to do. If you do all 5 steps above once a day, every day you will outperform 99% of your competitors in just a few months time. Try it out and let me know your results.